

Muto is a self-created deity, claiming power over the eclipse and representing independence and freedom. Despite having little power and few followers, they have made quite a name for themselves amongst mortals and gods alike.

Muto was originally blessed to become a principality by Yumeri, to serve as the symbol of When the Moon Ate the Suns. Muto rebelled, however, breaking free of her ties to Yumeri. She died in this process, but instead of becoming a seraphim, she took the power given to her and ascended to godhood.

Naturally, Muto has become infamous due to his blasphemy. He hides from the gods that hunt him and the mortals that despise him. Very few see him in a positive light, as a symbol of freedom and rebellion. He tends to ignore their prayers, but won't turn down a friendly place to rest.

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CC0 Public Domain, 2022
i was supposed to get my fire cape but i did this instead - ACUZI